Ubpark allows individuals to hold and trade parking spaces with other users searching for parking in the vicinity.
Users can choose to hold a parking space for another user for a small fee if they so choose.
See a scenario below between two commuters: Tom and Lily.
If Tom is parked at a space in a highly congested area and ready to leave, Tom can choose to set a price for that parking space and mark it available for other commuters in the area to see. Ubpark automatically notifies anyone within a certain radius that the space is available for parking.
If Lily is driving in that radius and seeks a parking spot, Lily can get on Ubpark and see a list of options for parking nearby including Tom's offer.
Lily can then choose to accept Tom's offer for the parking space. When Lily accepts, she is then routed straight to Tom's exact location.
Tom will be notified of Lily's confirmation and will wait till she arrives.
When Lily arrives and parks, the transaction is complete.
Lily parks and Tom Leaves !
Lily can rate her experience with Tom to build trust among individuals on the platform. and if She pleases, Lily can also repeat this cycle when she leaves.